Good News: 2021 TCNAA Hall of Fame

Katie Fancher Uncategorized

Join Alexander Law, P.A. as we congratulate our Founder and Manager Partner, Amanda Alexander for being selected as a 2021 Inductee of the Tougaloo College National Alumni Association Hall of Fame! As an inductee, she has pledged to participate in fundraising $10,000.00 to support Tougaloo College. Please join in our support of Amanda and her beloved Tougaloo College!

There are several ways to support. All donations and ad sponsorships must be submitted by September 30, 2021.

1. Online Donation via
a. Select gift level
b. Select inductee “Amanda Alexander”

2. Online Ad submission via
a. Select inductee “Amanda Alexander”
b. Select Ad rate
* Please note Outside Back Cover, Inside Front and Inside Back Cover are NO longer available.